Drafting Matt Stafford First For My Fantasy Team Was The Best Decision Of My Life

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By 5thQ Staff Writer | @5thQSports | 2021-09-28

SAN FRANCISCO, CA -- A few weeks have passed since the remote 5thQuarterSports fantasy draft. The legendary in-person event has sadly been sent into the realm of ā€˜full remoteā€™, due to CORVID-19. Gone are the days of chips and dip. Welcome to the era of microwave bean-and-chee burritos infront of a standup desk. I am digressing, what are we really here to talk about? Well, it is one piece of advice.

That advice is as follows: ignore the cautionary tales of your friends and family. Turn a blind eye, and fill your ears with air pods when they tell you that you are making a huge mistake. Announce the plan early to your fellow drafters. Sing it loud, sing it proud: Youā€™re drafting Matt Stafford as your first round pick.

Why is this drafting strategy particularly good this year? Well, that answer is easy: The Rams BAYBEE.

I praise Jesus every morning that Stafford isnā€™t on the Lions.

I praise Allah every morning that Stafford isnā€™t on the Lions.

I praise Elmo every morning that Stafford isnā€™t on the Lions.

The analysts at 5thQuarterSports have asked the important questions, like Does Matthew Stafford Suck? and weā€™ve come up with definitive proof that he does not, in fact, suck. With this info in mind, keep one strategy in mind: do not draft anyone from the Lions. Your loved ones might laugh and call you names if you draft Stafford first, but theyā€™ll lose all respect for you if you take the ā€˜road less takenā€™ of drafting someone from the Lions in the first round.

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